CO2 Mixer

This model is suitable for the production of various carbonated beverages and fruity carbonated beverages containing CO2, and can easily adjust the production capacity and the mixing ratio of water and syrup.

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Technical Specifications

Production capacity:1000-2000/2500-3000/3500-4000/4500-5000/5500-6000
Adjustable proportion of of syrup and water:1:3-1:6
CO2 content:1.5-2.5/>2.5/>2.5/>3.5/>3.5
Cooling water entry temperature(℃):0-5
Working pressure of carbonized and syrup tank(Mpa):0.05-0.15
Working pressure of storage tank(Mpa):0.2-0.5


  1. Automatic with Alarm:The pressure in all tank and the liquid level of the machine are all controlled automatically with PLC.Once a error occurs,the alarm lamp will light and the alarm ring will sound and the mixer will stop automatically.
  2. Easy operation and regulation:The operation of the mixer is especially convenient.Only turn around the buttons according to the pre-set program,the normal operation can be carried out.The production capacity,water-sugar proportion and gas content can be adjusted without exchanging and parts.
  3. Even mixing and accurate proportion:One time mixing process is adopted,so the mixture is even.The mixing proportion of water and sugar is strictly controlled with measuring needle valve with fine regulation.Its precision can reach about 5%.
  4. Enough gas content:The mixer adopts vacuum desoxidation technology at normal temperature.Its desoxidation ratio reaches above 90%.It has a baffle heat exchanger to cool the sugar-water mixture and carry out twice carbonating,So its carbon content is especially high.

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